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CERTIFIED DIESEL Athletes and Team Members
Josiah Dorton - Natural Bodybuilder



Josiah is all about hard work, dedication and being humble which is what GET DIESEL stands for. Just under two years ago, Josiah was over 300lbs with > 20% bodyfat until he decided to GET DIESEL and change his lifestyle. Josiah trains at that "GET DIESEL" level, and practices the model, "excellence in all we do."

Visit his page for links to his training journal at, facebook page and training tips/videos. As a team, and soon, Josiah will get his drug-free NGA pro-card and you will hear about this bodybuilder now that he has GET DIESEL in his veins.


Click here to vist Josiah's GET DIESEL page.

 Trent McCown - Jiu Jitsu | MMA

     Trent McCown is a low key, yet very tenacious MMA fighter/Jiu-Jitsu player.

     Trent's current record is a combined 15-2 with 2 amateur MMA titles. Trent

      is perfect for GET DIESEL because he trains hard, love his sports and

      is a humble fighter. Trained by David Lashey at LJJA Martial Arts Trent

      will continue to be a force to be reckoned with.



Click here to vist Trent McCown's  GET DIESEL page.



LJJA Martial Arts - David Lasley
Ohio - Jiu Jitsu

David Lashley - Owner/Instructor
- BJJ Brown belt(under Vitor Oliveira)
- Shingitai JuJitsu Black Belt(under John Saylor)
- Sei Kan Jujitsu Black Belt
- Ko Sutemi Karate Black Belt(under GrandMaster George Annarino)
- A.M.K.J Black Belt(American MidWest Karate-Jujitsu Association)
- OPOTA certified instructor - Defensive Tactics

Past Team Members:


Chris Duffin
Before he was a multi-world record holder, Chris was with Team GET DIESEL. Look at his shirt in the video from 2007. We are proud to have been Chris's go to brand before a big name company scooped him up.  Chris was with us for his first three lift meet. Now Chris is a world record holder in all three lifts raw lifting at 220lbs
Above benching 710lbs at the 2008 Arnold Classic and the the right his 2008 Powerlifting USA cover.
Jay Fry
During Jay's glory years of 2008 to 2010, Jay was with Team GET DIESEL. Jay Fry a former gymnast, has the all-time record at the 181lb class in the bench with a 750lb bench press in the video to the left.  Jay Set this record the next month after we took this pic at the Arnold Classic (2009) where benched 700lbs pounds off boards like it was nothing.
I wish all my past Team Members success as GET DIESEL is the the supplement line of choice for many athletes including those sponsored by other big name companies for legal strength and power gains. We will continue to work with our current team, and grow our athletes, as a family, wishing them suceess in all they do.
- Chuck Diesel

© 2015 - 2017 by GET DIESEL NUTRITION

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