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DIESEL FUEL™ is now back in production and for those of you who don't know, DIESEL FUEL™ was GET DIESEL NUTRITION's first product released in 2002. In 2012 we re-released the 2006 formula for a  10 year anniversary batch. This is the 2006 formula that was the most popular of the four or five versions released between 2002-2008. 


DIESEL FUEL™  is a true "thermogenic" supplement as it is formulated to increase thermogenic responses to exercise and resting metabolic rate.  DIESEL FUEL was actually the first nootropic sports supplement on the market designed to increase energy AND mental focus, endurance and mental clarity.  DIESEL FUEL is known for being a potent nootropic and mood enhancer. DIESEL FUEL™ will enhance your mental focus and concentration throughout the day as well as when you use it as a pre-workout thermogenic. If you have never used DIESEL FUEL, this isn't another run of the mill thermogenic that is loaded with caffeine and stimulants with the word "fat burner" slapped on it. This is a true "old school" thermogenic product formulate to actually helps to reduce levels of body fat when combined with exercise. DIESEL FUEL is also great for reducing stress levels, sluggishness and has a powerful antioxidant improving recovery from workouts.


If you're looking for a powerful pre-workout energizer, mental focus enhancing thermogenic or want a non-hormonal pre-workout energizer you can use DIESEL FUEL pre-workout only. Three or four DIESEL FUEL capsules pre-workout will have you dialed-in, motivated and energized for your entire workout with no crash!



New batch of DIESEL FUEL ™  coming fall 2016!





Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA or Health Canada.  This product is not intended to prevent, treat or cure any disease.



Test Booster | Nitric Oxide | Libido | Strength

  • Thermogenic Fat Loss

  • Pre-Workout Energy

  • Daytime Energy and Mental Focus

  • Mood Elevation

  • Motivation

  • The first Nootropic Sports supplement
    every invented!

Diesel Test Hardcore Supplement facts thumb
Diesel Test Hardcore Supplement facts thumb

Supplement Facts | Directions for use

DIESEL fuel™

Energy | Fat loss | Mental Focus | Mood Elevation | Pre-Workout Energy

Diesel Test Hardcore

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